About Ben Howard


Noonday Dreamレビューより








諸々 +Nica Libres at Dusk


‘And there are many little things in Ben's lyrics of the songs on this album that are a tribute to that poem, I do reconmend reading it as it is a nice poem indeed. With his love of poems, Ben has writen many poems in the previous four years. But this is not really new as alot of the influences of his previous songs lyrics were from books and stories. But what is new. Is that here his poems ARE the lyrics. They can be very dreamy, dark, light, romantic, pure, and relaxed, and emotional. But at the same time still falling under the "Ben Howard signature dark" but here, dark does not mean bad, it means mysterious like the night time.

In this album, Ben sings about mystery, romance, journeys, death, finding ones self, chaos, sadness, happyness, peace, and living. The music for each song also is varried. "Nica Libres at Dusk" is dreamy and mysterious, and definetly one of my favorite songs Ben has made, it is up there with "Small Things" and a few others.’



このアルバムで、ベンは、謎やロマンス、旅、死、自己の探求、カオス、悲しみ、喜び、平和、人生などをしるしている。それぞれの歌により、曲調も変えている。”Nica Libre at Dusk”は夢のようでミステリアス、そして確実に(definitely)”Small Things”やほかの曲以上に、ベンの作品の中で私が気に入っている曲の一つである。’
